This Museum located in band which is strategic enough,
Located beside the street in Banda Village, Takmung about 3 Km west of
the Town of Semarapura, Klungkung Regency. The Museum built with a
Modern Bali architect.
This Museum have various classic painting of Bali, either
from the past, new and also former epoch result of masterpiece from
its owner, I Nyoman Gunarsa. I Nyoman Gunarsa is one of the painter
which distinguish for coming from Bali.Most of his masterpiece
painting was taken from Bali folklore, and Hindu Dharma legend. Thats
make his style of painting different from the other. Its masterpieces
taken from artistry of Bali, like folk dance, traditional music,
Balinese ceremony, and environmental variety.
About Nyoman Gunarsa: I
Nyoman Gunarsa (1994, Banda, Klungkung, Bali) is a graduate of the
Akademi Seni Rupa Indonesia (ASRI, Indonesian Academy of Fine Arts) in
Yogyakarta, central Java, where he also was a lecturer for many years.
In 1970 he helped establish the Sanggar Dewata Indonesia (Superior
Indonesian Art Studio) for contemporary Indonesia Art.
Gunarsa was an invited artist for the "Art of Bali"
exhibitions at the East-West Center in Honolulu Hawaii, in1998. He
established the Museum Seni Lukis Kontemporer Indonesia (Museum of
Contemporary Indonesian Painting) in Yogyakarta in 1989, and the Museum
Seni Lukis Klasik Bali (Museum of Classical Balinese Painting) in
Klungkung in 1994. His expressionistic style works feature offerings,
dancers, and wayang (puppets).
Award :
Dharma Kusuma (Bali, 1994)
Collections :
Museum Nasional (Jakarta, Indonesia)
East-West Center (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Exhibitions :
British Council (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1971)
International Young Artists (New York, U.S.A., 1973)
East-West Center (Honolulu, 1998)
Festival of Indonesia (U.S.A., 1990-1992)
Gate Foundation (Amsterdam, Holland, 1993)
Singapore Art Museum (1994)
Museum Nasional (Jakarta, 1995)
Center for Strategic and International Studies (Jakarta , 1996)
Indonesia-Japan Friendship festival (Morioka, Tokyo, 1997)
Gunarsa’s studio remains in the museum, and his works are on
display in the western building. Gunarsa’s works range from
abstract, to paintings of musicians and Balinese dancers. His works
use bright colors and also feature scenes from Balinese daily life.
Gunarsa was born in the nearby village of Banda, and originally started the museum as part of his bhaktiyoga
(service) to the art world. The museum has a large collection works by
Balinese contempory artists, as well as art from temples that were
in the process of renovation.
Stone and wood statues occupy the main building as well as
classical works from the 17th-19th century. The upstairs section has
traditional Balinese artwork, historical items, furniture, masks,
sculptures, embroidery. These pieces often use the Ramayana and Mahabharata as their theme. A collection of gamelan instruments is used by Balinese school children to practice, music and dance.